From 10:30 to 17:00 the Creative Uprising Hub will open its doors to the public. During this time, you are invited to explore any of the following artists’ studios as well as fashion, jewellery and design brands:
Afrikkul Lifestyle // The Arts Company Soweto // Bafana Zembe // Blvck Block // Corn Artist // Film & Vinyl Club // Floyd Avenue Apparel // Kidhood // Khanyiso Fashion // Homegrown Shandis // House Of Mumbi // Isizwe Creations // Leal ‘Bob’ Bernstein // MacGale Clothing // Nazo Arts // Nozi Hlobo Designs // Rare Space Studio // Ray Creek // Shemet Jewellery // Soul Shooz // Sungoddess // The Craft and Design Institute // The Fam Agency // Themba Mwanza // The Modern Us // Toolshed // Umi Projects // Yeyeb Shop // Yolanda Ndinisa // Xquizified Culture