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The Printing Girls Print Demo - Free

The Printing Girls will offer some free, interactive printmaking demos for visitors to Alexander Street Studios on the 25th May throughout the duration of the day. A table will be set-up with our micro-press, a selection of gel-plates, stencils, inks, linocuts and collagraph plates with which our Demo and technical manager Cloudia Rivett-Carnac will demonstrate a variety of different printmaking techniques and how to combine them to create mixed media prints. Members of the public will be invited to either create their own prints using the matrixes and tools provided or are also invited to choose an artwork from the selection that Cloudia will produce. The techniques that will be demonstrated are: Screen-print/ Linocut/ Monotype and Collagraph.

This activity is FREE. No booking is required.

May 25

Communal Body Weaving - Free