What’s happening at 11 Alexander?
11 Alexander Street Studio’s is an independent artist community who share building space in Ferreirasdorp Johannesburg. Established in 2019 by Dorothee Kreutzveld and Nolan Oswald Denis, 11 Alexander street studio’s offers studio space at an affordable rate to emerging and established artists with a meaningful desire to foster a creative community. Post Covid, an organic merging of artists from various backgrounds have found one another thanks to their platform and a strong community of practice has been brewing ever since. The black and white building with the special rooftop, currently houses emerging to established artists, each working to uplift Johannesburg’s creative economy.
11 Alexander is located at 11 Alexander St, Ferreiras Dorp and there is only on-street parking at this location. We strongly suggest that you either use the shuttle to access this location or an e-hailing service.

Studios open to the public.
From 10:30 to 17:00, 11 Alexander’s Artists will open their studios to the public. During this time, guests are invited to explore any of the following artists’ studios:
Bev Butkow // Mankebe Seakgoe // Nikiwe Dlova // Phumlani Ntuli // Tamara Osso // Fumani Khumalo

The Printing Girls Print Demo - Free
The Printing Girls offer free, interactive printmaking demos for visitors to Alexander Street Studios on the 25th May throughout the duration of the day.

Communal Body Weaving - Free
Bev Butkow invites audiences to an experiment in communal body weaving that shows how art extends way beyond the object that we see.