‘Sustainable Together’ focuses on sustainability and civil society initiatives that seek to make an impactful contribution to improving local environments. The project aims to initiate and support creative and community-based interventions related to ecology and sustainability and raise awareness, facilitate dialogue and provide visibility to related matters, especially considering contributions from the Global South.
The residency programme at Victoria Yards offers a unique platform for cultural practitioners, artists, researchers, civic society leaders, and activists to immerse themselves in Johannesburg's vibrant landscape. Residents collaborated with affiliated organizations and host partners at Victoria Yards over a month-long period to implement projects focused on sustainability and community engagement. The exhibition will show work in progress and offer an opportunity to engage with the residents on their work. The talk will follow with followed by drinks and snacks and an exchange with the organisations of the residency. Sustainable Together - Goethe-Institut South Africa
Venue: Unit 4 (ex-Ceramic Arts Studio)
This activity is FREE. No booking is required. You just need your Contra.Joburg ticket.